pfSense Plus Fundamentals and Practical Application Certification (Self-Paced)

  • $14900
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You will receive an enrollment email in 2-3 business days.

This course consists of:

The pfSense Plus Fundamentals and Practical Application certification course is designed to help you manage and maintain your network using pfSense as one of the core elements. This certification will allow you to take part in real-world scenarios using virtual interactive lab environments. You will be tested on basic networking concepts as well as specific functionality within pfSense Plus.

Details on this course can be found at

Once you sign up for this course, you will receive an e-mail with your login credentials and further instructions. You will have up to 90 days to take the exam and complete the virtual lab segments of the certification. 

NOTICE: The person who purchases the exam/certification MUST be the person actually taking the exam.  Netgate cannot change names, usernames or e-mail addresses. You cannot purchase multiple exams on a single order. One order per student.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Otgonkhuu Amsarvaa

I like practical application during the lab.

Satisfaction Level:
Very Unhappy
Very Happy

pfSense Plus Fundamentals and Practical Application Certification (Self-Paced)